White in London

by Johanne

This past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting my friend and White Cabana creator, Jordana, in London, Ont.

It’s easy to see why Jordana has made London her home over the past few years- there is an abundance of white here!

Jordana was very encouraging as I practiced seeing white everywhere.

Here are some of my favourite white moments from my white weekend with Jordana:

Branches of raw cotton at London’s charming Market

Jordana checking out beautiful water at the Market

White detailing on the packaging of Dry Soda water

A white portable ethanol fireplace, $758

Gorgeous white leather office chair, $302 on sale

Caffé latté art at Coffee Culture

Pouffy bridal dress in store window for London’s princesses

More bridal dresses with white poufs!

Even the cars are painted white and topped with fresh snow in London!

White and classic black made-by-Jordana art

at Jordana’s lovely home

Delicious sushi with white rice and creamy white napkin

Going for a (wh)nite on the town!

Jordana knows white: white t-shirt, plate, table, etc.

at the local diner for brunch

Me, I see white but I’m not fully white – yet!-. Wearing bright pink

but I did order a white wrap with sour cream for brunch!

A white snowman and snowcat greeted me home

in Toronto upon my return


Thank you so much Jordana for a fantastic weekend! I love being on this white adventure with you!



3 Comments on “White in London”

  1. Daniela says:

    Looks like so much fun!

  2. Johanne says:

    We had an amazing time, as you can see!! I love visiting Jordana and becoming more white-centric ;).

  3. Jordana says:

    Thanks so much for this gorgeous post Johanne! I was definitely impressed by how quickly you found white around town.
    Thanks for being an awesome and enthusiastic guest!
    p.s. See – lots of animals in your life – love the snow white cat.

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