Typography: Photocopied Hands

I remember in my younger days how I used to get a kick out of photocopying my hands (and – gasp – face) whenever I encountered a photocopier. It was so cool to see all the lines of my palms and fingers. Who’s with me?

Although the novelty wore off for me, it hasn’t for one creative graphic designer in Germany. José Ernesto Rodriguez has taken this activity to a whole new level with his photocopied hands typography. Handschrift, as Rodriguez names it (rough translation is, I believe, hand font), is literally, handmade typography. Cool, right?

Handschrift by José Ernesto Rodriguez

The process did take some thought as Rodriguez demonstrates through his sketches.

Handschrift sketch by José Ernesto Rodriguez

I first came across Handschrift via Fast Company.

5 Comments on “Typography: Photocopied Hands”

  1. Wonwaroon says:

    It’s cool. Is this for sell or not.
    How can I have this typeface?

  2. gala says:

    this is badass!

  3. @Wonwaroon
    I will try to make a computer font as soon as possible.
    Just visit my project in some weeks again! 😉 JER

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